Just celebrated tiny's bdae yesterday :) and it was so darn fun! i love it! :D too bad we cant celebrate it with u on the exact day. but atleast u enjoyed it :D owh kay, seeing the notes you n jojo posted. i think i should really update about my birthday surprise too XD feel bad about not posting this XD
Here goes,
during 24.09.2011, i was doing my business as usual. being a 'ye mao zi' i really didn't care about what time i sleep. teehee. so i went online and do the usual stuff. My phone vibrated. Looked at the phone and saw kaili's message. owh kay, erm. i forgotten what did u guys sent -.- but i know the point is to make sure im not sleeping. well, i replied and continue doing my stuff. i didnt smell anything fishy because i dont think THERE is =.= being stupid, i went to bed and placed my phone aside. miss Kai li there called my phone like 5 times and obviously i didnt pick up. i just ended the call and continue my beauty sleep -.- When the fifth call came, i x boleh tahan and picked up the darn phone. With a calm voice and those sleepy eyes, ''hello?'' and kaili replied '' eh, my mum passed by your hse and saw people protesting outside my house. my eyes finally opened and jumped out of my bed! ran down and wake the whole house up! Mum came rushing up and open my curtains! she said i saw fire! i was like wat the hell!? went to the windows myself and saw 3 idiots standing outside the fence! ;D thn omg omg omg omg! aaaaaaaa~~~~ burst into tears! >< Ran down and tried to open the door. OK -- this directly proves that im a dumbass -,- how can i forgot my pin number for my alarm!? walao eh -,- x blh tahan. well, no one expected this, it happened. my alarm rang like nobody's business. I was jumping up and down! thinking of the pin number D: the 3 idiots outside were looking for a place to hide XD If there's a hole there. i think they'll jump into it w/o thinking XDD okay okay, my fault. but its really funny!! u guys sang a birthday song for me and gave me a BEAUTIFUL collage :) i loved it <3
and i love u guys to the max! <3
my bdae cake from sg :) thanks jo and cece :D |
my sleepy face |
Thanks you guys for making an effort to celebrate my birthday, i never ever thought that i could have a surprise party in the middle of the night. i never thought that u guys will go to such extent! :D I know im not good with words. but i really cant find any words to replace i love you guys >< really!! gahhh. u guys are the best :D i'm thankful to have such friends :) thank you!!!
i know these pix are vy vy sha bai. But. these are the only pic we took tht day :( should hv took more ><
hehehe, i noe we look pathetic. BUT ME LIKEY!
protesting!!! |
i was in a super good mood, so i let u guys draw my face with chocolates! XD
hahahahhhahaha. i love u guys la!
after that, we walked back to kaili's hse and sd noob bao home :) well, i noe u guys are tired. SO I REALLY THANK YOU!!! muax!!!! not to da bao of course! XDDDD we had 100 plus for supper because im with 2 going-to-be adults -,- oh well~ in the end! muax! <3